Sunday, March 08, 2009

What is your Intention

The last time I posted any blog here was 17th January 2007. That is like more than 2 years ago. The title of this blog is exactly the reason why it takes me 2 years to be back in blogging. - Lack of intention...

Often we do things without really considering why we need to do something. Most of the time we were so influenced by our surroundings, our friends, and even our family and relatives that we did something just to pleased them instead of us. We did things just for doing sake, and therefore most of the time, we are not doing what we really want to do for our self.

No matter what we do, be it for others or for our self, be it something we want do or otherwise, whether we like it or not, the question is, when we do that something, are we clear about our intention. Or simply put it, when we do something, do we really put our heart, our effort into it? Are we really doing what is needed and making sure it will be completed?

There were too many times that we never finish what we started doing. Far too many times that we gave up the instance we face problem. And then, we give excuses, "Way too difficult", "I have no luck", "No one helped me" and more.... the list go on....

The real reason is simple, we are lack or intention, no intention of doing what we set out to do, or worst, we have other intention.

The formula is simple, if we have 100% intention of doing something, then no other other external influence would be able to distract us from completing it. For example, you were doing task A, with 60% intention, while subconscious you want to something else (other intention) which is another 40% of your mind capacity. So while doing task A, your mind wonder around other thing, and in the end you only completed 60% of task A. And you stop to rest, start indulge in the other 40% of what you wanted to do, or worst give up on task A.

Success (Completion of task) = 100% intention.

It simply says, if you set your heart (intention) 100% in doing something, you will eventually be successful in that thing, no matter how you do it, no matter how long it takes.

Sometimes people will say, I have the heart, but there is no way I can do it. But actually in reality, there are far too many ways to accomplish one thing. The number way is infinity. For example, just to get rich alone, we can conceive many many ways (legal), even by selling fruit, you can get rich, it is just a matter of time. If it is so easy, why are we still not rich? Simple, we do not have that intention.

We all read about Warren Buffet, or joined Amway one point in our life, they all teaches the way to get rich. But at the end of the days, only hands full of people really follow those teaching and got rich. What happened to the others? I am sure they also want to get rich, just that the intention is not that strong as those who succeeded.

If the intention is strong in us, we would do anything to complete what we set out for. ANYTHING...

Excuses like "OOH! I can't do that", "This is beyond me", "No one will buy from me"... All these are just example of trying to avoid doing something that we do not feel comfortable with. So, our intention is doing what is comfortable than getting rich.

What I am trying to say is when you want to do something, make sure that your intention is clear and strong (100%).

If you can be as clear and as specific as possible in what YOU INTEND TO ACHIEVE and 100% sure YOU INTEND TO ACHIEVE it and then work into it, then I guarantee you, you will be success in what ever thing you set out to do.

So starting now, set it clear what your intention is in what ever you do.

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